Hello this is the page about the creator of this whole webpage, I'm Lauren and I created all the pages seen on the website ^w^

112233 Creator Note

I'd share music and you'd ignore until it was about your music

How did you find this page?

I don't have any links or pastes to this page so if you find it please let me know..I'd love to know how you thought to type this name into the search bar to find this page

What's with the different colored pages?

Red means it's a WIP Page or a not connected/dead end. If it's red you need to look back harder at other pages. If it's black there's something there hidden or not. Blue means it's just for fun. Green or Purple means it's a massive clue. White means it's the final page

I'm not sure if I want to write more on this page but I will use this lower area to link to all 222 pages on this website eventually